The Nuisance of Self-Contempt

Humanity is prone to make bad decisions. These bad decisions stem from emotional situations. And in most places, we only realize the magnitude of these decisions when the worst has come to pass.

Humanity is most susceptible to emotions. It’s what makes us human, but it can also be one of our greatest weaknesses. Bad decisions are made daily. The larger the scale of these decisions, the more we are affected by them. Most time, with larger decisions, we find it hard to move past them. We hold ourselves in contempt for our poor choices. But it is important to realize how easily we can make mistakes. So we should learn the lesson there is to be learned by that choice and move past it. 

But therein lies the problem. We don’t find ourselves a credible enough body or authority to forgive ourselves. We want to find someone who can stop and say it’s fine to move on with life. However, it starts with ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves before we start finding forgiveness in others. Holding ourselves in contempt over something we have already faced the consequences of is a punishment sentence that lasts beyond what we deserve. 

Overthinking is a common contributing factor to harboring guilt. When overthinking, we could overestimate the severity of the decision. This, in turn, causes us to misjudge the impact of our bad decision. In short, it never does anyone good to linger on brief-lived moments. No matter how colossal it may be, dwelling on the past never turns out well for anyone. The reality is often far lighter than we, in our overthinking stupor, comprehend it to be.

In such a time, we lose management and control due to the guilt that intrudes on our routine. This loss causes daily life to end up in havoc. We lose sight of sense and confuse our thoughts with the underlying guilt. As a result, we also lose valuable confidence and self-esteem. The picture here is far from that of an ideal-functioning person. This only reinforces the necessity of moving past bad choices and our contempt for ourselves. 

Not letting go of one bad decision can cause other bad decisions to spur from the guilt and contempt you hold for it. We lose trust in ourselves and cloud our judgment, so we can very well be deprived of the life we otherwise can avail and appreciate. This can be a very detrimental cycle. Hence, we should prioritize reasoning with our guilt and stop ourselves from suppressing daily life. Life is an eventful and one-time occurrence, and letting brief moments ruin the pleasure of the entire course of this happening does not make sense. 

Bad decisions are recorded in history and can be predicted for the future. But, the necessity of moving past a bad decision needs to be realized, for there is far more to look forward to in life than there ever can be to look back on.

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